Sometimes, a bad thing can end up being a good thing!

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I’ve been watching a YouTube channel called Dhar Mann. I find his videos so interesting. Basically, they are informational videos about current and relevant topics – such as the LGBTQIA+ community, autism awareness, on not judging a book by its cover, or on how you should always try to give people a chance. Other topics I’ve found interesting include how bullying affects everyone (in the end, even the bully!), about women being able to do jobs that are more traditionally men’s jobs, and on men who choose to be stay-at-home spouses.
One video of his really spoke to me. It was about how sometimes things can be a blessing in disguise. In one of the scenarios, a waitress accidentally gave a man a dish with a food item he was allergic to. He went to the hospital with his girlfriend. The doctor ran over some bloodwork and found signs of cancer, but fortunately they caught it super early (hooray). The doctor said, “Thank goodness you came in today, if you hadn’t it could have been quite the opposite story.” This got me thinking about events in my own family….a few examples:
How my great grandparents met. My dad’s grandfather had to quit school at fourteen to help support his mom, brothers, and sisters. He got a job. Several years later met his boss’s daughter (my great grandmother)!
How a move to a new town changed our lives for the better. My mom’s family moved from Johnstown, PA to Middletown, PA in the early 1980’s because her dad’s job was transferred. My mom, her two sisters, and her parents had to move three hours away from all their friends and family. New schools, new jobs – this must have been a scary and lonely time. But…if this had never happened, my parents would have never met!
Sometimes a bad thing can lead to a wonderful thing. It might take some time. but in my opinion, you need a bad day so you can better appreciate a good day.
That’s all I’ve got for now – I’m off to watch more Dhar Mann! (Seriously, check him out here!)