Annie is 30 years and old and eager to gain blogging experience. She’s also an aspiring artist learning to make jewelry and other crafts with the hopes of one day sharing her creations with the world online. Annie’s a hard worker and is always there for her family, whether it’s helping out around the house or just curling up on the couch with them and their pets for some relaxation and bonding. You can always count on her to quote movie lines just to make you laugh or to learn new recipes to share delicious food and baked goods with you.
View all postsMy Annual Trip to Lancaster County

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Hello everyone and welcome to the start of the new year. For January’s blog post, I have decided to talk about my annual trip to Lancaster. Every year for Christmas shopping, I love going through Lancaster County. I started to make that a yearly thing in November 2023. I don’t know why but it’s one of those rare places I love being in. Every time we drive down there, I get to look out the window and see the view of the farmlands. I sometimes wish I could live there because they have so much open land and it looks like a peaceful area to live in. I sometimes ask, why can’t we live in a place like this? I wouldn’t mind living in the countryside. Not to mention we would have so much land space. The reason I only go there annually is to do my Christmas shopping. Where I live, there really aren’t that many places to shop at and the fact that the two malls we had in the area are literally dead. Just early last year we lost the Harrisburg Mall, which is now being demolished and the one in Colonial Park is practically a ghost town on the inside. Another reason it’s only a seldom trip down to Lancaster is because where I live it’s almost an hour away.
In Lancaster you have more of an option and going to the Park City Mall around the holidays makes me happy. On the way there I got to see the houses all decorated for the holidays and while we were on the way home, I got to see some animals. The one thing you see when in Lancaster County are cows and barns. It’s sad that I have to cross county lines to go to a mall because we lost the only two in our area. The closest mall to me is the Capital City Mall in Camp Hill but I prefer the Park City Mall because it’s bigger and there are more restaurant choices around it. All the good places are in other parts of the state.
I went to a restaurant in the same vicinity as the mall that I really love but is not in my area. It’s called BJ’s Brewhouse, and their food is awesome and the service is excellent. There really aren’t that many choices to pick from in terms of destinations. Going to Hershey is nice, but that’s an area I frequent all the time. I would rather be in an area with a better scenic view and somewhere I don’t always visit. I don’t often get to visit the countryside of Lancaster and for that to be a yearly thing, it’s sweet. The one place I do miss that was in our area was Sonic but that’s now gone.
Anyway, the reason I only go down to Lancaster seldomly is because it takes nearly an hour just to drive there. As nice as it is being there, it’s also a little expensive. Well, depending on where you go and what you’re getting. I only go to a few shops when I go there, one being Bath and Body Works. I love buying people body washes and sprays. I don’t really go there for me because I can’t use a whole lot of scented products due to skin issues but some people in my household love their stuff. We have one that’s storefront in Colonial Park but it’s not really the same as going to the mall for one.
Now before I conclude this blog post, I would like to say that Lancaster County is my most favorite place to be. Like I said in one of my previous blogs, I don’t really go to many places and so my list of favorite places is very limited. I don’t know what it is about Lancaster I love but all I know is it’s my favorite. I do know I love the amount of space they have there. I really should start going out more, but I don’t drive and often don’t have a reason to go out unless I really need to. Now I will finish off by saying thank you for letting me talk about my trip to Lancaster. I hope anyone who decides to visit there, enjoys their trip as much as I do. Have a nice month and hope you enjoy my blog post!
Annie Snow