Healthier Eating Every Day

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This year I decided I need to make some important changes to my life. I joined Weight Watchers and I’ve begun making healthier choices regarding what I eat and the quantity. I also have cut back on the amount of extra sugar that I ingest. I met with my doctor who recommended a goal of losing between two to five pounds per month as a safe, healthy rate of weight loss. Remember that it is prudent to consult with your doctor before you begin any diet or weight loss program.

I am eating more vegetables on a daily basis. I’m also going to a nutritionist soon. They hopefully will guide me to eating healthier and educate me on good ways to stay on track. I am thinking that adding different kinds of vegetables that I haven’t tried will be helpful and interesting. I have begun to decrease the amount of less nutritious foods on a regular basis. It has been important to log what I eat on the Weight Watchers app which helps keep track of foods and drinks with a point system specific to WW.

I’m planning on continuing this diet/eating plan for the next three years. By then I aspire to be a much healthier weight and to physically be in much better shape. I want to be able to keep up with my friends when we go walking and hiking, and not feel so tired.

Speaking of tired, I think the poor eating habits were contributing to me feeling run down and lethargic. I’ve been feeling sick for a while and I think in large part, it’s because of what I’ve been eating and my lack of exercise. I want to slowly turn that around. I have been eating healthily for two weeks now. During this time period, I think I may have lost some weight already which has been motivating as well.

I need to pay attention to what I do, how I feel, and what I eat each and every day and keep going in the right direction. I know that it took me a long time to get to this point in my life, and now realizing that I need to make some changes. However, making these adjustments over time can lead to me being more successful than if I tried to do everything all at once.

Wishing all my readers the best for 2024!

Out-of-Sync Woman

I was diagnosed at a young age and went through the special education system in public schools. Family is incredibly important to me as I grew up in a large supportive family. I enjoy being outside in nature and arts and crafts.

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