Emergency pet care

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My cat got really sick, so sick in fact that I needed to take him to the emergency veterinarian. I had never been to the pet emergency room before so everything was new to me. Since my cat was so sick, they took him back to be seen right away to check his condition. They monitored him for several hours and the veterinarian then met with me to go over treatment options.

So, after waiting many hours, I was told that he needed surgery to unblock his bladder and that his kidney values were high which is not good. They discussed his treatment options and how much it would cost. At that point, I was so very tired and just wanted to head home. For some reason, it hadn’t hit me that my cat could possibly get sicker or even die. It’s like i just could not believe something like this could happen to me or my cat.
After making the decision for him to have surgery, I drove home and then received a call from the emergency vet reporting that my cat had urinated and didn’t need surgery to have his bladder unblocked. I drove back to the vet’s office and picked up my cat. The next morning, I took him to my regular veterinarian to get a second set of blood tests. His kidney function was still off and quite elevated so he had to spend the night there to get IV fluids.
I feel better knowing that he is in good care and I have my fingers crossed that he will be back to his old self quickly. Due to this emergency situation, I learned that I need more of an emergency fund for the future. I also need to spend less and get back on a budget so I can build up my “rainy-day” fund. I also am thinking about getting pet insurance for my cat’s care. To be honest, I’m really anxious about the cost of his emergency vet care and the subsequent regular vet visit that includes overnight care.
Right now I’m going to try to take it one step at a time. I know freaking out will not help me. I feel like I want to shut down and not deal with anything right now. I am taking a break to calm down but I really can’t give up on my situation. I need to remember that I have people who can help me but I also need to rely on myself and remind myself that I am capable and resilient.

Out-of-Sync Woman

I was diagnosed at a young age and went through the special education system in public schools. Family is incredibly important to me as I grew up in a large supportive family. I enjoy being outside in nature and arts and crafts.

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