
The high school and college years can pose a number of challenges to young people with autism. These resources are designed to help make education transitions as successful as possible.

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Issues of Access to and Inclusion in Behavioral Health Services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Intersex Consumers

This report is from the workgroup formed to address issues of access to and inclusion in behavioral health services for LGBTQI consumers and provides recommendations for the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS).

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Kennedy Kriegar STAR Trainings

Serving children, families and professionals in the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) community.

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Key Transition Resources

This list is an overview of some of the transition resources that ASERT references most frequently.

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Kindergarten Registration

Early Kindergarten registration for schools in Pennsylvania happen each spring.

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Labyrinth Center

The Labyrinth Center provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to support IUP students with Autism Spectrum Diagnosis as they build relationships, gain independence, experience academic success, and graduate from IUP with the professional and personal skills needed to embark on a fulfilling life and career. Labyrinth is designed to be a multidimensional program based upon best practices in college programs for students with Autism Spectrum Diagnosis and is committed to providing consistent and comprehensive services led by experienced faculty and staff. The IUP Labyrinth model consists of four components that provide enhanced supports to IUP students. The components include a one-credit course taken each semester, academic and life coaching, supervised study sessions, and peer and faculty mentoring.

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Lancaster and Lebanon Transition Coordinating Council

Transition Coordinating Council (TCC) is a network of parents, consumers, educators, and community service providers helping students with special needs in their transition from school to adult life. Its mission is to promote effective transition planning for students with disabilities from school to adult life.

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LEAP After-School Program

The Literacy Enrichment After-school Program (LEAP) provides homework assistance, computer literacy, and library skills for students in grades K–12, and daily literacy enrichment activities for elementary school students.

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Learn Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of people, the mind and behavior. While some psychologists choose to focus on research, others choose to focus their careers on applied psychology and working directly with people and communities.

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Mental Health Awareness Month Video Series

This is a collection of videos and resources about different ways to stay mentally well.

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Moving from Preschool To Kindergarten

Leaving preschool to enter a more formal educational system represents a major transition for every parent and child. The environment will be new, challenges will be different and new relationships will be formed. While parents of children on the autism spectrum (ASD) initially may approach this time with trepidation, it actually represents an opportunity for learning and developing new friendships and relationships.

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Moving to Pennsylvania: Now What?

This resource provides information about services and supports available in Pennsylvania for individuals with autism, and how to get connected to those services and supports.

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My Place Program

Kutztown University encourages academically qualified students with disabilities to participate in it's educational programs and services. My Place provides enhanced services for KU students with autism spectrum disorders. The program focuses on three major areas: academics, social skills, and daily living skills.

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National Technical Assistance Center on Transition

Assisting agencies in implementing practices that help to ensure success in post-secondary education and employment.

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Neurodiversity: Voices and Views in 2022

This resource is a collection of recordings from panel discussions held throughout Autism Acceptance Month in 2022. Panel discussions by self-advocates, family members, and educators discuss a range of topics related to neurodiversity.

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OAR Scholarship Program

OAR maintains a list of scholarships from other organizations that are available to students on the spectrum.

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