
The high school and college years can pose a number of challenges to young people with autism. These resources are designed to help make education transitions as successful as possible.

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10 Tips for Staying Organized in College

Going from high school to college is a big change. Learning how to stay organized with your schedule and courses is a big part in whether or not you'll be successful. This resource provides 10 tips for helping you stay organized.

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21 & Able

This website provides information on the 21 & Able program offered through the United Way of Southwestern PA to help with transition planning.

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A Family Guide to Inclusive Early Learning in Pennsylvania

This guide is designed to be a quick and easy resource to inclusive early childhood learning programs in Pennsylvania for parents of children with developmental delays or disabilities.

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A Guide for Higher Education Professionals

This manual, developed by the Rochester Institute of Technology, in conjunction with other up and coming higher learning institutes, and funded by the Autism Speaks Family Services Community Grant, is designed to help colleges and universities prepare to support individuals with autism attending college and help them succeed.

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A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities Who Want to Go to College

This document provides a practical guide to help people with disabilities who want to pursue their education goals at a community college, career institute, four-year college, university, or graduate school. The guide provides an overview of the challenges and supports needed to help achieve this goal. These include: finding the right school, locating supports, managing your disability and your education, and using your new educational qualifications in the search for a better job. Other areas addressed include assessing your own interests and skills, funding your education, disclosing your disability, and locating supports and services to succeed in school. This versatile guide can be used by consumers, rehabilitation and/or case management personnel, and family members/friends or individuals with disabilities.

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ACT Testing Accommodations

This website provides information on how to get testing accommodations in place for individuals with autism who are interested in taking the ACT exam in preparation for attending college.

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Afterschool Alliance

The Afterschool Alliance is an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and advocating for more after-school investments to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality after-school programs.

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American Education Service: Education Planner

Planning for the future can seem overwhelming, this education planner can help individuals with autism and their families prepare.

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An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

This booklet describes the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), how ABA is used in education, and different educational approaches that use the principles of ABA.

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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for Parents

This resource developed by ASERT helps caregivers learn about Applied Behavior Analysis, how to access it, and who can provide it to individuals with autism.

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ASDNext Educational Differences Between High School and College

This information sheet highlights some of the differences students experience between high school and college.

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Assistive Technology in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Appropriate assistive technology (AT) devices and services can allow students with disabilities to participate in and benefit from the general education curriculum and to meet Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. The purpose of this brochure is to provide guidance to the special educators, related service providers, and parents as they develop Individual Education Programs (IEP) for students using assistive technology.

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Autism Cares Foundation: Scholarships for High School and College Students

Autism Cares Foundation Scholarship Program is for high school and college students continuing their education, who have demonstrated through their actions that they have assisted an individual having autism.

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Autism Initiative at Mercyhurst (AIM)

This website provides information about the Autism Initiative at Mercyhurst (AIM) program that provides additional services and supports to students with autism who attend Mercyhurst University.

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Autism Speaks School Community Toolkit

This kit provides helpful information about students with autism to promote understanding and acceptance at school.

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