Resource Explorer
Results31-45 of 334
Assistance with Medical Bills
With the rising cost of medical services it can be difficult to afford appropriate and necessary care. This resource provides information on organizations that may be able to help with the costs of healthcare.
Read moreAssistive Technology and Transition Planning
The Family Information Guide to Assistive Technology and Transition Planning is designed to help families prepare for those times during which their child moves from one environment to another and from one developmental stage to another. The focus is on the role of assistive technology during those times.
Read moreAssistive Technology in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Appropriate assistive technology (AT) devices and services can allow students with disabilities to participate in and benefit from the general education curriculum and to meet Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. The purpose of this brochure is to provide guidance to the special educators, related service providers, and parents as they develop Individual Education Programs (IEP) for students using assistive technology.
Read moreAssociation for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT)
The ASAT website is a leader in providing research summaries for autism treatments so that families and professionals can make informed choices before considering treatment options.
Read moreAttending a Birthday Party
This resource, developed by ASERT, provides helpful tips and suggestions for helping individuals with autism have an enjoyable time at birthday parties.
Read moreAttending Recreational Conventions
This resource provides information about recreational conventions, what happens at them, and how to prepare yourself to attend.
Read moreAutism & Sexuality
This video recording of Dr. Peter Gerhardt's keynote presentation "Sexuality & Sexuality Instruction with Learners with ASD: What Behavior Analysts and Others Need to Know" provides an overview of the issues people with autism face regarding sexuality.
Read moreAutism Awareness, Community Education and Support (AACES)
Autism Awareness, Community Education and Support (AACES) is a group of programs designed to increase independence and decrease isolation among young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This brochure provides information on the different programs available to individuals living in Bucks and Montgomery Counties.
Read moreAutism Cares Foundation: Scholarships for High School and College Students
Autism Cares Foundation Scholarship Program is for high school and college students continuing their education, who have demonstrated through their actions that they have assisted an individual having autism.
Read moreAutism Initiative at Mercyhurst (AIM)
This website provides information about the Autism Initiative at Mercyhurst (AIM) program that provides additional services and supports to students with autism who attend Mercyhurst University.
Read moreAutism Interaction and Communication Guide
Resources for professionals on Executive Functioning, Emotional Regulation, Theory of Mind, Sensory Differences, and general communication with individuals on the autism spectrum.
Read moreAutism Now: Employment Resources
This website focuses on job-related subjects such as employment research and reports, supported employment, transition planning for job opportunities, vocational rehabilitation, and more.
Read moreAutism Speaks Transition Tool Kit
The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit will help guide you on the journey from adolescence to adulthood.
Read moreAutism Speaks: Parent’s Guide to Employment for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Speaks has created a guide for parents to help them understand how they can support their adult child with autism through the employment process.
Read moreAutistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism.
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