If I don’t follow a traffic law, I may be stopped by the police.
This might be driving over the speed limit or driving through a red light.
The police officer will turn on the lights and siren of the patrol car.
This is how I will know I should pull my car to the side of the road.
When I see the police car lights behind me and/or hear sirens, I should safely and quickly pull my car to the side of the road.
When the police officer walks up to my car, I should put my window down and keep my hands on the steering wheel.
I may want to tell the officer, “I have autism."
I should never get out of the car unless the police officer tells me to. I should follow everything that the police officer tells me.
The police officer may want to see my driver’s license and car’s registration card.
I should tell the officer where my license is before reaching for it.
If I don’t understand something the police officer says, I should tell the officer, “I don’t understand."
I should not sign any paper unless I know what it means.
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