Social Story Resource Collection
Social stories can be a helpful tool for individuals to prepare for and understand different situations, such as going to the library, following the rules of the justice system, or determining when to call 911. This bundle is a collection of social stories developed by ASERT and other professionals.
Social stories can be a helpful tool for individuals to prepare for and understand different situations, such as going to the library, following the rules of the justice system, or determining when to call 911. This bundle is a collection of social stories developed by ASERT and other professionals.
ASERT Developed Social Stories
Justice System
When to Call 911 – Parts 1 & 2 Social Story
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of determining when to call 911, for individuals with autism.
View ResourceTraffic Stop – What to Expect Social Story
These social stories were created by ASERT to describe the various aspects of a traffic stop and what to expect for individuals with autism.
View ResourceThe Law Social Story, Parts 1-4
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of the law and justice system to individuals with autism.
View ResourceBefore Court – Parts 1 & 2 Social Story
These social stories were created to describe the various components of preparing for court to individuals with autism.
View ResourceAppearing in Court Social Story, Parts 1-3
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of appearing in court to individuals with autism.
View ResourceDetention Center Social Story, Parts 1 & 2
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of being in a detention center to individuals with autism.
View ResourcePat Down Searches – What to Expect Social Story
These social stories were created to describe the process of pat down searches and what to expect for individuals with autism.
View ResourcePolice Transport Social Story
This social story developed by ASERT shows what to expect when transported in a police car.
View ResourcePremise History Form for Emergencies Social Story
This social story explains how filling out a premise history form can be helpful in emergency situations.
View ResourceFoster Care
Foster Care Social Story
This social story created by ASERT describes the various aspects of foster care to individuals with autism.
View ResourceResidential Treatment Facility – What to Expect Social Story
This social story was created to describe the various aspects of a residential treatment facility to individuals with autism.
View ResourceChild Intake – What to Expect Social Story
This social story was created to describe the various aspects of a child intake to individuals with autism.
View ResourceLibrary
At the Library Social Story, Parts 1-2
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of the library to individuals with autism.
View ResourceChecking Out Books and Materials at the Library Social Story
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of the library to individuals with autism.
View ResourceSensory Story Time at the Library Social Story
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of the library and sensory story time to individuals with autism.
View ResourceHealth Care
Going to the Doctor Social Story
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of going to the doctor for individuals with autism.
View ResourcePublic Transportation
Public Transportation Social Stories
This is a collection of social stories that explain how to use different types of public transportation that were created by ASERT.
View ResourceAdditional Resources
Additional Resources
How to Create a Social Story
This resource is designed to help justice system professionals create social stories for individuals with autism who may become involved in the juvenile or criminal justice system. Read below to learn more about creating social stories.
View ResourceSocial Stories and Guides for Adults
Providing an interactive resource in which parents and professionals, as well as older individuals with high functioning autism spectrum disorders, can find information about writing social stories, examples of social stories, and links to other resources regarding Autism Spectrum Disorders.
View ResourceCarol Gray Social Stories
A social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals, and people with autism of all ages.
View ResourceSocial Stories and Resources for Jewish Occasions
These social stories and resources provide visual supports to provide better understanding of Jewish high holidays and the blessings for students with a variety of disabilities.
View ResourceTemplates for Personalized Teaching Stories
A template that families can use to make their individualized social stories for their child on the spectrum. These templates are for common occurrences that you may need to teach your child about, such as going to a restaurant.
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