Signing Up for Discord


This resource explains how to sign up for Discord on a computer or mobile device.

Check out ASDNext’s Community Page and join our Discord server! This will be a place to meet and connect online with others in the autistic community who have similar interests. ASDNextwill be monitoring these channels to make sure all rules are being followed. To learn more about Discord, visit our other resources: Discord Resource Collection.

If you’re new to Discord and need help signing up, follow the steps below!

Personal Computers

  1. Go to

  2. Click download or open in your browser (choose whichever option you prefer)
    a. If you choose download, follow the prompts that appear

  3. Once directed to the Log In form, click register
  4. Now create an account
    a. Follow the prompts on the form
    b. Make sure display and usernames are appropriate
    c. Enter your birthday
    -Make sure to ask a parent/guardian for their permission before joining if you’re under 18

  5. If prompted with a security verification request, check off the box that says, “I am human”
    a. Complete the rest of the prompt or puzzle that pops up
  6. Verify your email
    a. Click the link in your email sent by Discord to verify it
    b. If you do not receive the email after a few minutes, click “Resend Email” in the top, green bar

  1. You’re now officially signed up!

  2. To join the ASDNext server, head over to our Community Page and click the link to join our server

Mobile Device

  1. Download Discord from the app store

  2. Open the app and click “Register”

  3.  Sign up by entering your phone number or your email address
  4. Enter a Display Name

  5. Create your account
    a. Choose a username and enter a password
    -It does not need to match the Display name or include your full name, if you prefer not to
    -Make sure it’s appropriate
  6. Enter your birthday
    a. Make sure to ask a parent/guardian for their
    permission before joining if you’re under 18

  7.  If prompted with a security verification request, check off the box that says “I am human”
    a. Complete the rest of the prompt or puzzle that pops up
  8. Choose a profile picture
    a. You can upload one from your phone or choose a Discord avatar. Make sure it’s appropriate.

  9. You may be asked a series of prompts about receiving notifications or finding friends,
    please choose the privacy options you prefer
  10. You’re now officially signed up!

  11. To join the ASDNext server, head over to our Community Page and click the link to join our server

For more in-depth steps and information on getting started, click here: Getting Started – Discord

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.