This resource, part of the Be Safe resource collection focused on the prevention of sexual abuse and assault, provides information about an individual's right to be safe.
I have the right to be safe.
People should help me learn how to stay safe.
It is not okay for people to take my money or any of my things unless I say it is okay.
It is not okay for people to yell at me or make fun of me.
It is not okay for people to hit me or hurt me.
It is not okay for people to touch me in my private parts.
It is not okay for people to stop me from being safe.
If someone is making me feel bad, I have the right to tell people.
I can tell a family member by calling (____) ____-_______
I can tell a friend by calling (____) ____-_______
I can tell my doctor by calling (____) ____-_______