Parent's Guide to Applied Behavior Analysis

A mother and her son sitting on the floor.ABA is a set of principles that form the basis for many behavioral treatments. ABA is based on the science of learning and behavior. ABA is considered an evidence-based “best” practice treatment by the US Surgeon General and by the American Psychological Association.

This tool kit is designed to provide parents with a better understanding of ABA, how your child can benefit, and where/how you can seek ABA services.

Sections include:

    • What is ABA?
    • What types of therapies use ABA principles?
    • How do ABA methods support people with autism?
    • What does ABA look like?
    • What are components of a strong ABA program?
    • Who provides ABA services?
    • Where can I find ABA services?

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This resource created by Autism Speaks