Hand Washing Social Story


This resource provides a visual guide for individuals with autism on how to wash hands to help stay healthy. This resource has also been translated into Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic.

A faucet next to a bottle of soap.

I need to wash my hands to stay healthy.

A door with men and women and symbols opening into a bathroom stall.

I should wash my hands after using the bathroom.

A boy coughing into a tissue.

I should wash my hands after I sneeze or cough.

A bottle of soap.

I need to use soap and water to wash my hands.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

I need to first get my hands wet.

Two hands facing up under water droplets and soap bubbles.

Next I put soap on my hands.

Two hands with soap.

I need to rub the soap all over my hands.

Two hands with soap under the text

I should run my hands together for 20 seconds.

A smiling man to the left of the words

I can sing "Happy Birthday" twice to make sure I wash my hands long enough.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

I rinse my hands with water.

Two hands on both sides of a paper towel.

I dry off my hands with a paper towel.

Two hands facing up.

Now my hands are clean!

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A faucet next to a bottle of soap.

Es necesario que me lave las manos para mantenerme sano.

A door with men and women and symbols opening into a bathroom stall.

Debo lavarme las manos después de usar el baño.

A sick boy covers his cough with a tissue.

Debo lavarme las manos después de toser o estornudar.

A bottle of soap.

Es necesario que use agua y jabón para lavarme las manos.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

Es necesario que primero moje mis manos.

Two hands facing up under water droplets and soap bubbles.

Luego, me aplicaré jabón en las manos.

Two hands with soap.

Es necesario que frote el jabón por toda la mano.

Two hands with soap under the text

Debo frotarme las manos juntas durante 20 segundos.

Puedo cantar el “Feliz cumpleaños” dos veces para asegurarme de lavarme las manos el tiempo suficiente.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

Debo enjuagarme las manos con agua.

Two hands on both sides of a paper towel.

Luego, secarlas con una toalla de papel.

Two hands facing up.

¡Ahora están limpias!

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A faucet next to a bottle of soap.

أحتاج إلى غسل يدي للمحافظة على صحتي.

A door with men and women and symbols opening into a bathroom stall.

ينبغي عليّ أن أغسل يدي بعد استخدام المرحاض.

A sick boy covers his cough with a tissue.

ينبغي عليّ أن غسل يدي بعد العطاس أو السعال.

A bottle of soap.

أحتاج إلى استخدام المياه والصابون عند غسل يدي.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

أحتاج إلى أن أبلل يدي أولًا.

Two hands facing up under water droplets and soap bubbles.

ثم أضع الصابون على يدي.

Two hands with soap.

أحتاج إلى فرك الصابون على يدي.

Two hands with soap under the text

ينبغي عليّ أن أفرك يدي معًا لمدة 20 ثانية.

يمكنني أن أغني أغنية "عيد ميلاد سعيد" مرتين حتى أتأكد من غسل يدي لوقت كافٍ.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

أشطف يدي بالمياه.

Two hands on both sides of a paper towel.

أجفِّف يدي بالمنشفة الورقية.

Two hands facing up.

الآن أصبحت يدي نظيفة!

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A faucet next to a bottle of soap.

Чтобы не заболеть, мне необходимо мыть руки.

A door with men and women and symbols opening into a bathroom stall.

После посещения туалета необходимо мыть руки.

A sick boy covers his cough with a tissue.

После того, как я покашляю или чихну, мне следует помыть руки.

A bottle of soap.

Мыть руки необходимо водой и мылом.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

Сначала мне нужно намочить руки.

Two hands facing up under water droplets and soap bubbles.

Затем я беру мыло.

Two hands with soap.

Растираю мыло по рукам.

Two hands with soap under the text

Тру руки друг о друга в течение 20 секунд.

Чтобы увериться в том, что я мою руки достаточно долго, я могу дважды спеть песню «С Днем рожденья» во время процедуры.

Two hands facing up under water droplets.

Я споласкиваю руки водой.

Two hands on both sides of a paper towel.

Вытираю их бумажным полотенцем.

Two hands facing up.

Мои руки чистые!

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A faucet next to a bottle of soap.


A door with men and women and symbols opening into a bathroom stall.


A boy coughing into a tissue.


A bottle of soap.


Two hands facing up under water droplets.


Two hands facing up under water droplets and soap bubbles.


Two hands with soap.


Two hands with soap under the text

我应该双手互搓 20 秒钟。

我可以将“祝您生日快乐”唱两遍,确保 洗手时间足够长。

Two hands facing up under water droplets.


Two hands on both sides of a paper towel.


Two hands facing up.


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Hand Washing: Russian Russian pdf Download file: Hand Washing: Russian
Hand Washing: Chinese Chinese pdf Download file: Hand Washing: Chinese
Hand Washing: Spanish Spanish pdf Download file: Hand Washing: Spanish
Hand Washing: Arabic Arabic pdf Download file: Hand Washing: Arabic

This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.