Going Grocery Shopping Social Story


This social story developed by ASERT explains what to do when going grocery shopping.

A picture of a grocery store

I go grocery shopping to buy food. I can also buy other things I need.

A man makes a list to go grocery shopping

I make a list of all the groceries I need to buy before I go shopping.

A list of items with one checked off

A list will help make sure that I do not forget anything.

A person uses a calculator to figure out how much money they need.

I make sure that I have enough money to buy all the items on my list before I go shopping.

A picture of a shopping basket and shopping cart

When I get to the grocery store, I can use a basket or cart to hold all of my items as I shop.

A man pushes his shopping cart, which has a few items in it

I walk through the aisles of the store and gather items from my list.

A person looks at their list and checks things with a pen.

I can cross off items as I gather them so I know what else I need to find.

A man waves to a grocery store employee for help. The employee shows the man where what he's looking for is.

I can ask a store employee for help if I cannot find an item.

A man brings his full shopping cart to the register. A cashier is at the register.

I go to the checkout line when I am finished shopping.

The man waits for the cashier to finish scanning and bagging his groceries

The cashier scans my items and places them into grocery bags.

The cashier tells the man his total is $43.25. The man hands him money to pay for his groceries.

The cashier tells me how much money I owe. I pay with cash or a credit/debit card.

The man is at home, putting away his groceries

I put the all of the groceries away when I get home.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or info@PAautism.org. ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.