Getting Ready for A Social Event/Activity: What to Wear/What to Bring


This resource provides a list of items and tasks to ensure are ready before attending a social event or activity.

  • Make sure your clothes are clean and try to wear something that is appropriate for the weather and the occasion.

    • Plan your outfit ahead of time. Check the weather and try to get an idea of how casual or formal the event will be.
    • Look online to see if the dress code is listed in the event information. If it’s not online, call the event coordinator or ask your support person what they are going to wear.
  • Make sure your outfit is in good condition: no stains, no rips, and make sure nothing is broken, like zippers or shoelaces.

    This might help you feel more confident at the event. It also might prevent you from comparing yourself to others or worrying what others think of you/your appearance.

  • Make sure you smell good: take care of body odor, shower, wear deodorant, etc.

    • Be careful with how much perfume or cologne you’re wearing; too much can be overwhelming!
    • Remember, taking a shower ahead of time can be helpful in terms of making sure body odor is in check.
  • Make sure your hair is clean and styled appropriately: brushing knots out and getting rid of “bed head” can help you feel more confident and leave a good first impression.

    Washing your hair while showering in the morning of or the night before the event can make it easier to style your hair.

  • Check your face and hands to make sure they’re clean.


  • Brush your teeth and make sure you don't have anything in your teeth prior to the event.


  • Plan ahead, gather all items needed or wanted for the group/event/activity (ex: beach towel, craft items, umbrella, and books).

    • Wear/bring shoes that fit the occasion.
    • Wear/bring a jacket if you get cold easily.
    • Make sure you have any fidget toys or other small objects you might want to use when stimming.
    • Bring anything else you may need or want when going to an event (cell phone, water, medicine, or wallet/money).

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.