What to Expect from Free Legal Services

Justice scales and a gavel.

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There are legal aid offices located throughout the country. These offices are non-profit agencies that provide FREE legal help to people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. While many offices may help people with only very low incomes, others may be more flexible with income rules.

Legal aid usually handles the following cases:

  • domestic violence
  • family law (divorce)
  • housing (eviction or foreclosure help)
  • public benefits (problems with food stamps, Medicaid, SSI, Social Security, etc.)
  • may be able to help with immigration, consumer or disability issues

Legal aid does not  handle the following cases:

  • medical malpractice
  • car accident cases or traffic violation cases
  • criminal cases

What can I expect from my legal aid lawyer?

Legal aid lawyers have the same qualifications as other lawyers. Everything you share with your lawyer is not shared with anyone outside of the legal aid office. Since no information about you is shared, you should always tell your lawyer the truth.

If I do not qualify for legal aid, where do I go?

  • volunteer lawyer project
  • a free legal workshop
  • self-help clinic
  • local law school

Contact Information for Free Legal Services

NameLocations ServedPhone NumberWebsite
AIDS Law Project of PennsylvaniaStatewide215-587-9377www.aidslawpa.org
Allegheny County Bar Association Center for Volunteer and Legal ResourcesAllegheny412-227-5100www.acba.org
Allegheny County Bar Association Indigent Divorce ProgramAllegheny412-391-4467www.acba.org
Mental Health Association of Allegheny CountyAllegheny412-391-3820www.mhaac.net
Neighborhood Legal Services AssociationAllegheny, Beaver, Butler and Lawrence412-255-6700www.nlsa.us
Neighborhood Legal Services Association- Butler OfficeAllegheny, Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence724-282-3888www.nlsa.us
Southern Allegheny Legal Aid Judicare ProgramBedford, Blair, Cambria, and Somerset888-244-7252
Keystone Legal Services Inc. Pro Bono ProjectCentre, Clearfield, Huntingdon, Juniata, and Mifflin814-238-4958
Mid Penn Legal ServicesAdams, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Centre, Clearfield, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mifflin, Perry, Schuylkill, and York800-326-9177www.midpenn.org
Dauphin County Bar AssociationDauphin717-232-0581www.dcba-pa.org
Legal Aid of Southeastern PABucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery1-877-429-5994www.lasp.org
Legal Aid Volunteer AttorneysErie814-452-6957www.eriebar.com/public-legal-aid-volunteer-attorney
Lackawanna Pro Bono IncLackawanna570-961-2714www.lackawannaprobono.org
Northern Pennsylvania Legal Services, IncBradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Monroe, Pike, Wayne and Wyoming1-877-953-4250www.northpennlegal.org
Legal Aid of Southwestern PAWashington, Greene, Fayette, and Somerset1-888-855-3873www.splas.org
Fresh Start Clinic Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance ProjectPhiladelphia215-523-9511www.pcacares.org
Philadelphia VIPPhiladelphia215-523-9550www.phillyvip.org
Senior LAW CenterStatewide1-877-727-7529seniorlawcenter.org
Support Center for Child AdvocatesPhiladelphia267-546-9200www.advokid.org
Northwestern Legal ServicesCameron, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Mercer, McKean, Potter, Venango, and Warren814-452-6949www.nwls.org
Venango County Pro Bono ProgramVenango800-665-6957
Westmoreland County Pro Bono ProgramWestmoreland724-837-5539
Pennsylvania Immigration Resource CenterStatewide717-600-8099www.pirclaw.org

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