Fire Safety: How to Stay Safe Social Story


This social story was created by ASERT to describe the elements of fire safety for individuals with autism.

A smoke alarm is shown in the center of lines representing sound.

If there is a fire in my home, the smoke alarm may start to make a loud beeping noise.

A frowning boy covering his ears is shown to the right of lines representing sound.

When the smoke alarm sounds, it may be loud and hurt my ears.

A boy is shown in the front left with a burning house in the background.

If I hear the smoke alarm, I need to go outside and wait for my parents.

A boy stands to the left of a door with smoke coming out the bottom.

If I am in a room, I should touch my door with the back of my hand to make sure it is cool before I open it.

A boy stands at the door of his room looking toward his bed and toys on the floor.

I should leave my things in my room.

A boy is pictured laying underneath a cloud of smoke.

I should stay low under the smoke. This means I might need to crawl on the floor.

A young boy stands in the center of the image.

I should go outside quickly and try to stay calm.

A father, mother, and boy stand together in the front left with a burning house in the background.

My family might have a fire safety plan. I should follow the instructions of the fire safety plan.

A smiling man and woman are shown in the center of the image.

I should wait for my family outside and stay in one place. I should always meet my family in the same place.

A firefighter speaking into a walkie talkie stands next to a fire engine outside a burning house.

A fire truck will come and the siren will be loud. I can cover my ears.

A firefighter stands outside a burning house speaking into a megaphone as another firefighter carries a hose into the house.

I should not go back inside my house until the firefighters tell me it is safe.

A fire extinguisher, fire hydrant, oxygen tank, and two metal tools are shown.

The firefighters will use their tools and water to put out the fire.

A smiling firefighter on the left holds out a thumbs up to smiling firefighter on the right.

I must listen to what the firefighter tells me. The firefighters want to keep me safe.

Two firefighters are shown wearing gloves, facemasks, and fire suits. They are holding a hose that is spraying water.

The firefighters will be wearing bulky clothing, thick gloves, and a helmet. They will also wear a facemask.

A firefighter's mask is shown in the center of the image with an exclamation point to the left.

They will sound like Darth Vader if they are wearing their face mask. I must listen closely to what the firefighters say.

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.