Finding Activities in Your Community


This resource, developed by ASERT for ASDNext, provides tips and suggestions for places to find events or activities going on in your community.

Five people are shown standing from the waist down with bowling balls between their feet.

Facebook Events

Facebook has a great feature on their website called “events,” where you can view events in your area or a nearby town. It will also show you events in the area that your Facebook friends are attending or interested in.

Recreation Center

Local recreation centers are great places to get involved in the community, make friends and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can sign up for classes: from sports and exercise to art and recreation. Most centers mail out brochures and event calendars to residents and you can also find information about their programs online.


Local libraries are also great places to find volunteer opportunities, craft classes, information on events going on in the community and more. Not to mention they can inspire creativity and promote imagination through the books and other resources available.

Local Newspaper and Websites

Checking out the local newspaper is still one of the best ways to find out about events happening in your community. If you prefer searching for information online, most newspapers also have a website where you can search for community events and activities. TV news station websites are another great place to look.

Online Discount Sites

These websites are great for people who like to try new trends, foodies and experience seekers that are on a budget. Check out websites like Groupon or Living Social for offers in your area!

Event Websites

There are lots of websites that provide information about local restaurants, shopping, activities, arts & entertainment, sports and more. Check out websites such as Yelp!, Ticketmaster or Eventbrite for trending events and recommendations for your area!

ASDNext Social Calendar

On the ASDNext website, there is a social calendar that includes events happening across the state. These events are typically free or low cost and cover a wide range of activities and topics. It’s a great way to find suggestions of things to do and places to visit. Be sure to check it out often as it’s always being updated!

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This information was developed by the Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT). For more information, please contact ASERT at 877-231-4244 or ASERT is funded by the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations, PA Department of Human Services.