Adult Protective Services

Identify elder abuse or abuse of an adult with a disability

In 2010, the Adult Protective Services (APS) law (Act 70) was enacted to provide protective services to adults between 18 and 59 years of age who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The law establishes a program of protective services to detect, prevent, reduce, and eliminate abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment of adults in need of protective services. The Older Adults Protective Services Act (OAPSA) is the law that safeguards the rights of adults 60 years of age and older while protecting them from abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment.

This resource provides information on:

    • Reporting suspected abuse of an elder or individual with a disability
    • Common signs of abuse
    • Additional webinars on Adult Protective Services
    • Information for mandated reporters

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This resource created by Department of Human Services