Site: PAAutism

10 Tips for Staying Organized in College

Going from high school to college is a big change. Learning how to stay organized with your schedule and courses is a big part in whether or not you'll be successful. This resource provides 10 tips for helping you stay organized.

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Adjusting to New Situations

This social story, developed by ASERT, talks about ways to stay calm when plans change.

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Adult Autism Programs: AAW & ACAP

Pennsylvania offers two programs for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through the Bureau of Autism Services (BAS): the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) and the Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP). Both programs are designed for residents of Pennsylvania who are age 21 and older and have a diagnosis of autism. These programs are evidence-based and outcome-driven models which have been designed to assist participants in gaining the greatest level of independence possible, encourage involvement in community life, improve social skills and provide support to caregivers.

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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Resource Collection

This collection of resources provides information on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) including: an introduction to ABA, how you can tell if your child is receiving ABA services, what to consider when choosing a provider, information on insurance coverage for ABA services and more.

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Assistance with Electric and Utility Bills

Paying bills and managing a budget can be difficult, especially on a fixed income. This information sheet provides information about programs available in Pennsylvania to assist individuals with electric and other utility bills.

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Autism Awareness, Community Education and Support (AACES)

Autism Awareness, Community Education and Support (AACES) is a group of programs designed to increase independence and decrease isolation among young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This brochure provides information on the different programs available to individuals living in Bucks and Montgomery Counties.

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CAR Autism Roadmap

This resource provides information about Autism Spectrum Disorder, including symptoms, diagnosis, and the impact on families and individuals.

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Communication Works Both Ways

This resource provides information for direct support staff about the communication needs of individuals with autism, particularly those individuals who have spoken language.

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Computer Viruses Social Story

This resource developed by ASERT teaches what computer viruses, adware, and malware are, and how to protect yourself from getting them.

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Conflict at Work

This resource was developed by ASERT to help individuals deal with conflict at work.

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