These resources are designed to help young adults with autism navigate the world as independently as possible.
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Am I Ready to Learn How to Drive?
Learning to drive a car can be both exciting and scary. This #ASDNext guide helps you know if you have the necessary skills required to be a good driver. Ask yourself the questions in each section of this resource to see if you may be ready to start learning how to drive.
Read moreAmerican Academy of Pediatrics Autism Resources
The American Academy of Pediatrics offers a variety of resources including trainings, toolkits, and books that can be useful for parents of children with autism.
Read moreAmerican Association on Health and Disability (AAHD)
The American Association on Health and Disability is dedicated to improve overall health and reduce health disparities for people with disabilities through health promotion and wellness.
Read moreAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing Association
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website provides information about speech-language pathology services for adults and children.
Read moreAppealing Wraparound Services in Health Choices
This publication is intended to provide general legal information, not legal advice. Each person’s situation is different. If you have questions about how the law applies to your particular situation, please consult a lawyer.
Read moreAppearing in Court for Individuals with Autism
This handout was developed by ASERT for justice system professionals who assist individuals with autism in court appearances.
Read moreAppearing in Court Social Story, Parts 1-3
These social stories were created to describe the various aspects of appearing in court to individuals with autism.
Read moreApplied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
This collection of resources provides information on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) including: an introduction to ABA, how you can tell if your child is receiving ABA services, what to consider when choosing a provider, information on insurance coverage for ABA services and more.
Read moreApplied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Resource Collection
This collection of resources provides information on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) including: an introduction to ABA, how you can tell if your child is receiving ABA services, what to consider when choosing a provider, information on insurance coverage for ABA services and more.
Read moreApplying for Medicaid for a Child with a Disability: PH-95 Category
You can apply for Medicaid in many ways in Pennsylvania. The PH-95 Category is one way. This resource provides information for families on how to apply using the PH-95 category for children under teh age of 18, with disabilities.
Read moreAre You Ready?
This resource includes a webinar on strategies in preparing individuals who have a variety of needs for disasters and emergencies, including individuals who use assistive technology (AT). The resource also includes a brochure on "Emergency Preparedness for People Who Use Assistive Technology."
Read moreASERT Collaboration with PA Patient Safety Authority
As the number of Pennsylvanians diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continues to grow, healthcare facilities are seeing an increase in the number of these individuals seeking care. Negative interactions with the healthcare system and concerns about the quality of care provided to this population have been reported by individuals with ASD, their families, and healthcare providers. Resources such as this can help healthcare facilities improve care for this population.
Read moreASSIST: Autism Sensory Strategies, Information, and Toolkit
This guide explains sensory features and how to support individuals on the autism spectrum who have a negative experience related to sensory features.
Read moreAssistance with Medical Bills
With the rising cost of medical services it can be difficult to afford appropriate and necessary care. This resource provides information on organizations that may be able to help with the costs of healthcare.
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