These resources are designed to help young adults with autism navigate the world as independently as possible.
Search within Independence resources
A Self-Advocate’s Guide to Medicaid
This resource provides information about Medicaid for individuals with autism, including a visual, easy to read version as well as a plain text version.
Read moreAASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit
This website has information and worksheets for adults with autism, supporters and healthcare providers. It focuses on primary healthcare.
Read moreABA in PA Initiative
This website aims to bring the autism community together and work toward improved access to ABA services for children with autism in Pennsylvania.
Read moreAccessing Home and Community-Based Services
This handbook was designed to help people with disabilities find and use resources that empower us to live and be in charge of our own lives in our own homes and communities with the supports that we need.
Read moreAccompanying an Individual to the Doctor
This resource was created with the goal of providing tips and information that may be useful when accompanying an individual to the doctor.
Read moreAct 62 Behavior Specialist License Trainings
This site hosts BAS trainings that can be taken by professionals applying for a behavior specialist license under Act 62. All 90 hours of the eight content areas are available at no cost.
Read moreActivity and Event Ideas for Autism Support Groups
This resource, developed by ASERT, provides suggestions and tips for individuals who are starting their own autism support or social group.
Read moreAdjusting to New Situations
Change is part of everyday life. The ability to change is central to our growth as individuals. For people with autism, who often rely on predictability and routine to feel calm and safe, change can affect them differently. Adjusting to new situations may be met with anxiety, fear, or resistance. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to ease adjustment to new situations.
Read moreAdjusting to New Situations
This social story, developed by ASERT, talks about ways to stay calm when plans change.
Read moreAdult Autism Programs: AAW & ACAP
Pennsylvania offers two programs for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through the Bureau of Autism Services (BAS): the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) and the Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP). Both programs are designed for residents of Pennsylvania who are age 21 and older and have a diagnosis of autism. These programs are evidence-based and outcome-driven models which have been designed to assist participants in gaining the greatest level of independence possible, encourage involvement in community life, improve social skills and provide support to caregivers.
Read moreAdult Autism Waiver (AAW) Supports & Services Directory
The AAW services directory allows you to search a comprehensive list of AAW service providers.
Read moreAdult Community Autism Program (ACAP)
The Adult Community Autism Program, also known as ACAP, is one of two programs in Pennsylvania specifically designed to help adults with autism spectrum disorder participate in their communities in the way that they want to, based upon their identified needs.
Read moreAdult Protective Services
This website provides information on the role of Adult Protective Services and how to report abuse of an elder or an adult with a disability.
Read moreAdvocacy Information for Parents and Caregivers
Advocacy information for parents and caregivers of individuals with autism.
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