Voting By Mail

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Voting is one of my favorite things about being a citizen of the USA. This year especially I want to make sure that my vote counts. I wanted to make sure I was registered to vote for this November‘s election. This year due to the coronavirus I decided to vote by mail.
Since I was concerned about voting in person at my polling station, I went online and filled out some easy information. I received an email to confirm that I have decided to vote by mail. This means that I can’t vote in person this November and won’t have to endure the frustration of the lines.
Why am I talking about voting this early? Well, if this is your first time voting, it may take a little bit more preparation, and that takes extra time and you don’t want to wait until the last minute. Also, you may need some paperwork or documentation to be able to vote by mail. Especially if you have a disability or you have concerns about voting, planning ahead is an important way to make the voting process easier.
Another reason I’m voting by mail is because I have social anxiety and I’m pretty sure this year is going to be very crowded at the polling station. I don’t like long lines and since Pennsylvania’s expanded mail-in ballots to more people, I’m going to take advantage of it this year. It also takes me longer to read things so having a printed ballot that I can take my time reading is helpful.
So as soon as I get my ballot, I’m going to vote and put it in the mail. After that, I will keep an eye on both the account  I set up to vote and my email account to make sure they got my ballot. After that, it’s the fun of waiting to see that my vote has been cast. This part may take time so be patient, although I admit patience is not one of my virtues. I’m really excited about voting by mail this year.
Regardless of whether you vote by mail or in person, I strongly urge you to go on the government website to make sure that you can vote this November. I can also recommend ASDNEXT as a great resource for any individuals who may need special accommodations to vote. This comprehensive excellent source is easy to read and understand. There will be links below the blog to the ASDNEXT page that contains the pertinent information about voting.

Out-of-Sync Woman

I was diagnosed at a young age and went through the special education system in public schools. Family is incredibly important to me as I grew up in a large supportive family. I enjoy being outside in nature and arts and crafts.

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