The Effectiveness of Time Crunches… Why Rush?
Khylil talks about different time management tools he has used throughout his life and how it is has helped him manage anxiety in adulthood.
Read moreDe-Stressing
Out of Sync Woman talks about the importance of coping strategies for mental and physical well being and gives a few examples of low-cost de-stressing activities.
Read moreA Change of Plans
Ziggy talks about plans that were put on hold due to the Coronavirus pandemic as well as adjustments he has made to his routine.
Read moreIdle Hands and Fidgets
Dmitri talks about finding a fidget toy best suitable for them and how it has helped them in a classroom environment as well as an online learning environment.
Read moreAcceptance and Uncertainty
Out of Sync Woman discusses the importance of focusing on one's mental health during these uncertain times.
Read moreWhy My Accommodations Help You
Rose talks about how being straightforward with your employers about accommodations that you may need leads to a successful career.
Read moreAutism in the Family
Out of Sync Woman discusses how important it is to accept your family for who they truly are, strengths and weaknesses, not who you think they should be.
Read moreAsking For Help
Sarah talks about how important it is to ask for help when you need it as well as how you need to be considerate of the person offering to help you.
Read moreThe Outside Looking In: A Mother’s Perspective
Khylil talks about how making a video with his mother for Autism Awareness month helped him learn more about not only his own journey with autism, but also how it affected his mother.
Read moreGetting Past Negative Emotions
Out of Sync Woman discusses how it is important to identify negative emotions that you are feeling and find ways to better understand yourself to negate those feelings.
Read moreAutism Awareness for the Entire Family
Out of Sync Woman discusses how important it is to support families of individuals with autism instead of putting them on a pedestal.
Read moreThe Puzzle Piece
Sarah talks about how the symbol of the puzzle piece has been meaningful to her and the autism community.
Read moreNot Autistic Enough
Rose talks about the problems they encounter when looking for resources - that they are not "autistic enough" to benefit fully from available resources but not "normal enough" to not need accommodations.
Read moreStaying Calm
Out of Sync Woman talks about how it's okay to be struggling right now due to the pandemic and coping strategies she has used to feel better.
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