
Being a Part of the Autism Community

Out-of-Sync Woman was diagnosed at a young age with Autism even before it was a common diagnosis. It wasn't until her twenties that she started to become involved in the Autism community. She feels strongly that being part of the Autism community has been good for her and she wouldn't change this part of herself!

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House Sitting

Out-of-Sync Woman kept her nephew company while his parents and sister were away on a trip. She enjoyed getting to know her nephew better and taking care of their family pets. She felt really good about the experience.

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Healthy Habits Moving Forward

Out- of-Sync Woman has many reasons to keep eating better every day. She has been happy with some changes like limiting how much sugar she consumes each day and eating at the kitchen table. She has been making these and other changes a part of her new, healthier routine.

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Single Joy

Out-of-Sync Woman has many reasons to be happy this February including having plans for Valentine’s Day with friends. She shares the many ways she is celebrating as a single person this year.

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Healthier Eating Every Day

This year, Out- of- Sync- Woman has begun making small changes to the way she relates to food. She is thinking before eating and making smarter decisions going forward. She has started making these changes part of her daily life and plans to continue making these healthy choices for the rest of her life.

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Christmas 2023

Christmas can often bring up many different emotions, both positive and negative. This year Out-of-Sync Woman will spend time with her older sister and family after many years apart. She hasn't traveled as much lately since she never knows what stress will do to her sensory system.

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Sense of Touch

Being able to touch lots of surfaces brings great joy to Out-of-Sync Woman. She thinks that taking care of her sensory needs is vital to her well-being.

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Piles of dishes, mail and laundry are stacking up in Out-of-Sync Woman's apartment. She has yet to find a system for keeping up with household chores that works for her. She asks the readers if they have similar struggles and what system(s) has been successful for them.

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Feeling adrift

Out- of-Sync Woman reflects on how hard it can be to connect to her siblings as a busy adult. She feels badly that she isn't closer to her siblings and wonders about how to feel closer to them.

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Missing Context and misunderstanding

People are complex, so its easy to misunderstand one another. When you add in other factors like having autism it can be even easier to get confused about other people's feeling and expectations.

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Experiencing Grief

This blog deals with the effects of grief for Out-of-Sync-Woman regarding the passing of her Dad. She details how her feelings are affected by having Autism and how she shows her grief.

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Road Trip

Out-of-Sync Woman is planning a road trip to see her family. It has been many years since she last saw them and she doesn't know what to expect since her Dad is staying with her sister and her family. She explores her issues with going and the anxiety she has regarding this trip.

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Bad News

This blog deals with the feelings and thoughts of Out-of-Sync Woman regrading her Dad's recent illness. She struggles with figuring out what to do about this new information.

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The Importance of Water Safety

In this blog we learn about how easy it is to take water safety for granted. Out-of-Sync Woman recalls two times when she got in trouble while swimming. Much later she learned more about water safety and how to be smarter when engaging in water activities.

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Autism in Motion

Over the years, Out-of-Sync Woman has realized that she has more trouble with moving her body than her peers. However, it wasn't until she spent time hiking with friends that she saw how marked the differences were.

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