It's All In The Details

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Whenever I have time to myself, I like to do things like taking walks, reading, and being with my family. But since the weather is turning colder and the days are shorter, I’ve been turning to another hobby. I love to watch shows about police and FBI agents catching criminals, investigators finding evidence, and forensic scientists proving theories. And there are so many good ones out there! In my house, we like Law and Order SVU, Criminal Minds, CSI Miami, and NCIS. I recently began watching more of the show CSI Miami; CSI stands for Crime Scene Investigator. They look for evidence and rely on details to solve crimes and make arrests. Certain pieces of evidence are considered important such as fingerprints, hair, even pieces of fabric that were at the scene of the crime. They prove that the person was there and use the evidence to back it up.
I find it fascinating to try and understand how crime scene specialists look at evidence and piece things together. They focus on clues and facts and look at everything in complete detail. This is what I do whenever I find myself confused or curious about a situation. When they can’t figure out what happened, they rely on their attention to detail to help to clear up the confusion. I can totally relate to that!
Watching crime shows in my downtime works for me – it’s people out there working very hard to prove a theory, and to protect. In the end, all those details they pick up clear up confusion and save the day.
I have always enjoyed studying certain things in detail, whether I’m working on a crocheting project, or searching for something I’ve lost. I really admire how the investigators put their natural curiosity and attentive minds to good use. My own attention to details that some might find “irrelevant” can lead to some interesting conversations. For example, when I look at a photograph of people talking, my attention is more focused on the background details or scenery than on the people’s faces and eyes.
That’s all I have for now, but I’ll use my ever-curious mind to try to come up with another blog for next time!
I’ll see you all then 🙂