I was diagnosed at a young age and went through the special education system in public schools. Family is incredibly important to me as I grew up in a large supportive family. I enjoy being outside in nature and arts and crafts.
View all postsFuture Planning
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Planning for the future is neither easy or simple for anyone. I’ve been thinking a lot about the future lately. As we get older and our parents do too of course, it’s natural to start thinking about planning for the future because parents won’t always be around. Young adults need to be informed and think about financial security going forward. What does that mean? It can be overwhelming to try to learn about wills, trusts and different types of accounts when looking to the future.
Where does one start? I have talked with trusted family, friends and support staff, and answers vary, but they all seem to agree that an important first step is for one to consult a knowledgeable attorney. An attorney can draft legally binding documents, such as a living will, a will, and wishes regarding a Durable Power of Attorney. It may also be important for individuals to research more information about the PA ABLE account (a savings program) and Special Needs trusts.
It seems like quite a complicated and frustrating process. Why can’t it be as simple as looking at your accounts and drafting your own documents? There are so many legal terms and people can be affected by local, state and federal laws, of course.
The good news is that we, as young adults, have opportunities, resources, and the time to begin researching this often confusing topic of planning for the future. I have realized that this can be an overwhelming and confusing process, so I recommend starting a notebook to keep track of everything you learn along the way, including who you’ve communicated with, dates, and other pertinent details. I wish you luck with your future planning. We got this!