Site: PAAutism

A Teen’s Guide to Autism

This video from the Center for Parent Information and Resources, is to help teens be more aware and understanding of individuals with autism.

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Autism Cares Foundation: Scholarships for High School and College Students

Autism Cares Foundation Scholarship Program is for high school and college students continuing their education, who have demonstrated through their actions that they have assisted an individual having autism.

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Be Safe: General Prevention Resources

These resources, part of the Be Safe resource collection focused on preventing sexual abuse and assault and supporting individuals who may have experienced sexual abuse or assault, contains general information about how to prevent sexual abuse or assault. Topics include identifying and reporting abuse in children, signs of abuse, risk and protective factors, educating about abuse, why abuse isn't always reported and pathways to victimization.

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Be Safe: Prevention Resources for Individuals with Autism

These resources, part of the Be Safe Resource collection, provides general information about how to prevent sexual abuse and assault for individuals with autism. These resources are specifically designed for individuals with autism and focus on: what is sexual abuse, how to stay safe, body awareness and body safety, understanding touch and staying safe,

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Be Well, Think Well Resources

This collection of resources provides information for a wide range of individuals on different mental health conditions that individuals with autism may experience, as well as treatment options, and how to support individuals.

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Being a Careful Reader of Coronavirus Information

This resource provides tips and suggestions for making sure that you're getting the best and most trustworthy information related to coronavirus.

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Bullying Social Story

This resource provides a visual guide for individuals with autism on what to do if they get bullied.

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Completing an Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) Interview In-Person Social Story

This resource developed by ASERT explains what happens during an IM4Q interview conducted in-person. This resource has been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, and Burmese.

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Computer Viruses Social Story

This resource developed by ASERT teaches what computer viruses, adware, and malware are, and how to protect yourself from getting them.

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Coping with Coronavirus

These resources provide some tips and suggestions for individuals and families to deal with some of the new situations brought about by COVID-19, like social distancing, isolation and planning for care.

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